
I'm sure uncle Google will have me flogged for this, but...

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sublime Text, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rails, Django, bash, Grunt, Git, Photoshop, Fabric, XPath, GPU, CPU, pen and paper, BDD, Sharpies, Textmate, IE, Composer, jank, Ice Cream Sandwich, Node, XP, Marionette, Cake, npm, Transmit, e-mail, flexbox, Firefox, a11y, Yeoman, Brunch, zsh, MVC, angular, Ghostlab, Illustrator, Backbone, dotfiles, Express, A/B testing, Chrome, stand-ups, semver, bizdev, Fireworks, .gitkeep, TDD, Silex, HTTP, rebase, jQuery, Jekyll, Travis, Charles, JSON, Hammer, i10n, Bower, Capybara, Capistrano, Watir, Buster, Mocha, Puppet, Chef, Virtualbox, CoffeeScript, Firefox, Adobe Edge, Jellybean, Webdriver, LightTable, Cucumber, Batman, ARIA, Web Components, Flight, AdWords, SPDY, Agile, shadow DOM, uglify, svn, clojure, RWD, blink and you will have missed something.

Awesome. Also exhausting.